Just a few days later, Boris Johnson gave a speech at the Conservative Party Conference alluding to his anti-obesity campaign by striking a personal chord: “I had a very common underlying condition: My friends, I was too fat.” The prime minister also mentioned he’d since lost 26 pounds. He went on to outline a vision for the future of Britain that included a healthier population, with more biking and walking. Stateside, the U.S. government was still not raising the alarm about the link between rampant metabolic disease and greater risk. It was never part of White House messaging on the…
Author: mex
Cada vez que Donovan Carrillo salta sobre la pista de hielo, cada uno de sus músculos se comprime para conseguir el movimiento que su mente ordena. El patinaje artístico no es solo baile, deporte, fuerza física, implica también meditación, visualización y no enfocarse en los miedos, por más humano que sea el pensamiento.“Tal cual nunca me había preguntado cuáles son mis miedos. Puedo decir que es no lograr lo que sé hacer. Realmente trato de no poner tanto mi enfoque en el miedo, aunque sé que es algo que nos protege y nos da quizá seguridad para no ponernos en…
BharatPe co-founder and managing director Ashneer Grover has asked the board for the removal of chief executive Suhail Sameer from the board in the latest of a series of remarkable turn of events at the Tiger Global-backed Indian fintech startup. Grover, who is subject to an ongoing investigation whose preliminary finding has suggested fraud, wrote in a letter to board members on Wednesday for the removal of Sameer from the board, though he did not offer an explanation. “I, now, in exercise of the power vested in me by Clause 3.7 of the SHA and Clause 91.7 of the AoA…
Share on PinterestExperts say children are particularly vulnerable to the health issues caused by lead in water pipes. Yellow Sarah/Getty ImagesThe recently approved $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill contains $15 billion to replace aging water pipes across the country.Experts say this program is important because of the long lasting health effects of lead in water supplies, especially to children under age 5.They note there are ways to test for lead in your home water supply.They also say replacing old pipes is a good investment because healthy drinking water significantly reduces public health costs.After months of wrangling, Congress has approved a $1.2…
Preventing Another Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: Offshore Situation Room Convenes Experts to Share Lessons, Future Actions The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
CIUDAD JUÁREZ. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, se paralizó ayer con la nevada que cubrió de blanco al municipio y que afectó sus principales vialidades al quedar congeladas a causa de la quinta tormenta invernal de la temporada que recorre el norte del país y el frente frío número 28. También reportaron heladas en otros 18 municipios serranos del estado y 11 de Durango.La tormenta invernal también provocó la cancelación de 14 vuelos, ocho en Chihuahua y seis Juárez, y puso en alerta a la población por el suministro de gas ya que estaciones que distribuyen el combustible informaron que agotaron su…
There is some new research that suggests that people are becoming more inactive all of the time. A couple of good-sized survey studies that used smartphone data just came out, and overall, peoples’ step counts have dropped by at least a quarter over the past six months. That’s huge. That’s not just exercise, that’s how much people are moving, period. It seems as if nearly all of us are moving a lot less and exercising less.But there were also interesting differences among age groups. It appears that the groups that are being the least active, and getting the least exercise…
No sólo son los asesinatos a periodistas -impunes, por cierto- sino que ahora la Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) se pronuncia porque tengan que distinguir entre opinión e información en los noticiarios y programas de radio y televisión que realizan, ¿qué más sigue? para poder ejercer la libertad de expresión sin riesgos o censura.Medios de comunicación, periodistas y la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión han anunciado que de ser necesario acudirán a instancias internacionales defensoras de los derechos humanos, incluso se está evaluando una queja en el marco T-MEC…
New Actions Aim to Get Americans Boosted for Even Greater Protection Against the Delta and Omicron Variants, Keep Schools and Businesses Open, and Help Quickly Respond to Surges if Needed During the Colder Months Today, President Biden will announce new actions to combat COVID-19 as the United States heads into the winter months and with the emergence of a new variant, Omicron.The United States has come far in its fight against the virus and is more prepared than ever to deal with the challenges of COVID-19. We have the public health tools we need to continue to fight this virus…
Además del proceso contra los abogados que presuntamente extorsionaron a Víctor Manuel Álvarez Puga y al polémico Juan Collado, nos confirman que en la FGR se integra otra carpeta de investigación contra el también abogado Guillermo Barradas. A la sombra… Hay muchos asuntos, uno de los fuertes escándalos que están por reventar tiene que ver con la presunta extorsión cometida contra el grupo de Billy Álvarez en la Cooperativa Cruz Azul y en beneficio de la disidencia. *** También este personaje representó a los inversionistas de Oro Negro y a la Junta para el Cuidado de las Instituciones de Asistencia…