Author: mex

“Get This Thing Out of My Chest” A life-sustaining heart pump was taken off the market after years of problems and FDA inaction. Thousands of people are now stuck with it embedded in their hearts. Making Life-or-Death Health Care Decisions An investigation into quality problems with a heart pump shows how hard it can be for patients to get the information they need to make life’s most important health care decisions. The Broken Front Line As the winter’s surge of coronavirus cases overwhelmed Los Angeles hospitals, EMTs like Michael Diaz were forced to take previously unthinkable measures. What lasting impact…

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¿Fan de los Esports? Seguramente algunos de tus favoritos son los de futbol, como el FIFA, donde anteriormente se encontraba la liga mexicana de futbol. Ahora las cosas cambiaron, pues la Liga MX firmó un acuerdo de exclusividad con Konami para formar parte del eFootball.Así lo dio a conocer la entidad de futbol hace unas horas a través de un comunicado compartido en sus redes sociales, donde se destaca que este acuerdo es de grado histórico.El acuerdo fue cerrado por Mikel Arriola, presidente ejecutivo de la Liga BBVA MX, y Yuta Kose, presidente de Konami Digital Entertainment Inc.¿Qué significa el…

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The Yale School of Public Health’s (YSPH) Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science (CMIPS) and the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP) formalized collaboration back in 2019 with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that was the culmination of a long-standing productive working relationship between INSP and Drs. Donna Spiegelman, the Director of CMIPS, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, the Director of the Maternal and Child Health Promotion program within CMIPS. That formalized collaboration is now bearing some new fruit. On July 19, the online Spanish language summer course “Applications of Implementation Science to Public Health/Aplicaciones…

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Latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed a “substantial” uptick in the Americas and the Western Pacific, which jumped 30 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively.  This contributed to a sharp rise in the number of coronavirus deaths overall, which climbed by 21 per cent compared with last week, to more than 69,000.  In the last week, global #COVID19 cases INCREASED by ~6.5% & deaths INCREASED by ~20.6%Last week >69,000 people died. This is an absolute travesty because we can prevent deaths. Think this pandemic is over? Think again.↔️😷🙌🧼open🪟💉avoid crowds— Maria Van Kerkhove (@mvankerkhove) July 26, 2021 If these trends continue, WHO noted that the cumulative number of cases reported globally could exceed 200 million in the next two weeks.  Regional…

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(CNN) — The 2021 summer travel season started out full of hope and promise, but increasingly by the week, the Delta variant is throwing it in disarray.This more transmissible variation of the coronavirus was first detected in India in February, just when the United States and some other places around the world were starting to gear up their vaccination efforts. It turned out to be a race against time: shots in arms vs. Delta’s spread.Delta infections are climbing as we enter August, particularly among the unvaccinated. Just like all other waves of the pandemic, travel feels the Covid impact quick…

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Concluye consulta sindical en GM Silao para elegir el sindicato que representará a los trabajadores Bertha Becerra | El Sol de México Anoche a las 22:00 horas, concluyó el proceso de consulta a las y los 6 mil 275 trabajadores de todos los turnos, de la empresa General Motors en su planta de Silao, con derecho a voto, para elegir al sindicato que los representará, informó el Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral (CFCRL). Y, se inició el escrutinio y cómputo simultáneo de los votos en cada uno de los 5 puntos establecidos. Al término del conteo, se elaborarán…

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In the 1970s, Vernice Davis Anthony was one of dozens of Detroit public health nurses who regularly fanned out throughout the city, building trust. They visited the home of every new mom and worked in schools, tracking cases of infectious diseases and making sure kids got immunized. Nic Antaya/Kaiser Health News hide caption toggle caption Nic Antaya/Kaiser Health News In the 1970s, Vernice Davis Anthony was one of dozens of Detroit public health nurses who regularly fanned out throughout the city, building trust. They visited the home of every new mom and worked in schools, tracking cases of infectious diseases…

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Christian Martinoli y el equipo de TV Azteca Deportes volvieron a vencer a Televisa en la transmisión del juego México Vs Panamá de Eliminatoria Mundialista.Según la información publicada por David Medrano, analista de TV Azteca, la televisora del Ajusco obtuvo el mejor rating en la transmisión del miércoles por la noche.Con Christian Martinoli, Luis García, Zague, Carlos Guerrero y Jorge Campos en los micrófonos, TV Azteca sumó 9.08 puntos de rating, lo que se traduce en alrededor de 6.8 millones de televidentes.TUDN, que transmitió el juego en Canal 5, apostó por la experiencia de Enrique Bermúdez y el regreso de…

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After working as a registered nurse for 11 years, Hollie Ortiz said she’s prepared to quit her job in a matter of days over a state mandate requiring hospital and other employees in congregate settings to get vaccinated against COVID-19.The 33-year-old said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has no business mandating what people should put in their bodies.“We’re not saying, ‘Don’t get the vaccine.’ We’re not saying, ‘Get the vaccine.’ We’re saying to the governor, ‘We want the choice to put an experimental vaccine in our body, not to be forced,’ ” said Ortiz, who was one of about 200 people…

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John Herdman, el técnico que tiene a Canadá al borde de su primera Copa Mundial en 36 años, es un inglés que nació cerca de Newcastle y obviamente entiende mucho sobre el ambiente futbolero.Así que lo pudo palpar durante el último partido como local de la selección. Y el hecho le conmovió.En una tarde de invierno canadiense, de esas con frío que se siente hasta los huesos, el autobús que trasladaba a la selección fue recibido en el estadio de Hamilton en medio de vítores, serpentinas y bengalas de los aficionados.“Era lo que soñaba”, dijo Herdman. “Fue la primera vez…

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