This story was produced as part of the Puente News Collaborative, a binational partnership of news organizations in Ciudad Juárez and El Paso. When Mexico’s president traveled to the White House last summer, U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar urged President Donald Trump to put discussion of a binational coronavirus response plan at the top of the agenda. But that topic didn’t come up during their July 8, 2020, conversation, based on the readout of their first in-person meeting since the pandemic struck. The virus was a blip in public remarks Trump and Andrés Manuel López Obrador made to mark the start of a revised…
Author: mex
KATMANDÚ. El hielo en un glaciar cercano a la cumbre del monte Everest, que tardó milenios en formarse, se está derritiendo de forma acelerada en las últimas tres décadas debido al cambio climático, según un estudio.El glaciar del Collado Sur ha perdido cerca de 55 metros de espesor en los últimos 25 años, según una investigación llevada a cabo por la Universidad de Maine y publicada por la revista Nature.Un registro de carbono 14 ha mostrado que la capa superior del glaciar tiene unos dos mil años, pero ahora está perdiendo espesor 80 veces más rápido que en el momento…
Hit and run victim finds support during long recovery 3 hours ago BioPark plans to launch new electronic tram 1 day ago Multiple postal workers robbed at gunpoint in last … 1 day ago Some crime-fighting bills losing traction at Roundhouse 1 day ago Longtime APS employee celebrates 95th birthday 1 day ago APD identifies suspect in Walmart shooting 1 day ago APS facing $25 million shortfall for 2023 school … 1 day ago New Mexico groups oppose Federal Wildlife Service’s … 1 day ago State budget moves to the Senate 2 days ago Darian Jarrott honored on anniversary of his death 2…
PUEBLO VIEJO. Apenas inicia el año y la sequía ya es evidente en la zona norte de Veracruz con pastizales secos, presas y ollas de agua en niveles bajos, lo que mantiene en alerta a los productores ganaderos ante el riesgo de mortandad del ganado.La situación agobia a los productores de los municipios de Ozuluama, Tampico Alto y Pueblo Viejo donde los efectos de la sequía que se registra desde hace cinco años han acabando con los pastos, lo que ha obligado a reducir los rebaños ya sea por la venta o porque se mueren por falta de alimento y…
Reams of evidence and data show coronavirus shots work well and come with minimal risk, public health officials say.And yet a backdraft of skepticism persists.Thousands of New Mexico residents still haven’t registered to obtain coronavirus shots, though the state is among the leaders in the country in the percentage of those who have acquired them.Despite the apparent success vaccines have had in bringing down infection rates, shots, coronavirus tests and masks remain sticky subjects for some in New Mexico and nationwide.A Santa Fe attorney who represents clients opposing mandatory shots and other coronavirus-related directives said she is convinced the vaccines…
El Exatlón México exige a los atletas determinado tiempo de vida, pues el programa sigue su curso, así como el tiempo afuera de los familiares y amigos los cuales siguen sus vidas normales. De hecho un atleta sufrió la muerte de uno de sus familiares, ¿de quién se trata? El Exatlón México All Star podría durar hasta 6 meses, y en ese transcurso algunos eventos desafortunados podrían darse, tal y como ocurrió con una integrante del programa, quien perdió a uno de sus familiares.Noticias Relacionadas Así sucedió con Marysol Cortés quien en la quinta temporada murió su abuelita, con quien…
In this April 12, 2021 file photo, people over age 60 line up to be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at the University Olympic Stadium in Mexico City. Mexico City’s government announced on Friday, May 7, 2021 that public hospitals dedicated to fighting COVID-19 are experiencing their lowest rate occupancy of the pandemic and the city is slightly easing some restrictions, more than three months after infections peaked in the Mexican capital in January. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte, File) More than three months after COVID-19 infections peaked in Mexico City, the local government announced Friday that the public hospital network…
This is one in a series of profiles featuring Harvard Medical School’s remarkable graduates. In 2018, when migration caravans were moving from Latin America to the U.S., Ana Cristina Sedas volunteered as a physician at camps in Mexico City and Tijuana. There she met migrants who solidified her desire to continue working for better health care for these vulnerable populations. Ana Cristina Sedas. Image: Kelly DavidsonIt was at one of these camps that she met a 5-year-old boy walking from Honduras to the States wearing Mickey Mouse Crocs and clinging to his mother. She said she was terrified and frustrated about what the…
A los 16 años, Donovan Carrillo saltó a la fama abruptamente. No fue por sus gráciles movimientos sobre la pista de hielo, fue por la homofobia que también rayaba en la ignorancia. Carrillo, patinador mexicano, recibió la peor cara de las redes sociales por competir con la canción de “Hasta que te conocí” de Juan Gabriel. El joven quería honrar a su madre, fiel escucha del músico, en 2016. Le dijeron que eso no era varonil, que era “un gay” y una artillería de insultos. El deportista mexicano dio una lección de tolerancia. “Me enfurece que vean la palabra gay…
A school year like no other is coming to an end. But it’s not the end of Zoom school yet.Nearly half of the 101 largest school districts in the US are planning to offer a fully remote option to at least some students when the 2021-22 school year begins in the fall. About a third of the districts – 32 total – will allow any student who wishes to take classes remotely to do so. An additional 14 districts will offer limited remote programs, either requiring school approval or a medical reason in order to qualify.This comes despite the Biden administration and…