Detecting a Mexican accent from the religious who asked after his health, he said he needed their country’s favorite “medicine”
Last May 11, with his knee problem forcing him to remain seated in the popemobile instead of standing, Pope Francis gave an example of joy in the face of pain and of a sense of humor.
A group of religious of the Legionaries of Christ greeted him at the end of his drive around St. Peter’s Square after the Wednesday audience. They asked him about his health—more specifically, they asked the Argentine Pontiff about his knee problem, a topic in the news around the world.
“Do you know what I need for my leg?” the Pope asked the religious, recognizing their Mexican accent. Without waiting for an answer, he laughed and told them, “A tequila!”
He was obviously joking. But it’s clear that Bergoglio is very familiar with some Mexican sayings that make tequila (a drink whose denomination of origin comes from Mexico) sound like something that’s good for your health and for facing the bitterness of life.
Here’s a short list of Mexican sayings (several of which have a catchy rhyme in Spanish) that are in the same spirit as the Pope’s joke:
- If life gives you lemons, ask for salt and tequila.
- If you have a cold, drink three tequilas: the cold won’t go away, but you’ll forget about it.
- Stop trying to make everyone happy. You are not tequila.
- Blessed tequila, sacred drink, what are you doing out there, come inside!
- For the joy of having run into each other in this life, let us toast with a tequila.
- I don’t know what the recipe for happiness is, but beyond a doubt, it has tequila in it!
- Let no one reject you; you are too much tequila for that lemon….
The Pope turned back around smiling and continued on his way in the popemobile. The video of this fun moment can be seen on the Legion of Christ’s Twitter account.
By the way, the religious promised him that if they ever go to Santa Marta (the Pope’s residence) they will bring him a bottle of this famous Mexican beverage.