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Half of Mexico’s thirty-two states have been cleared by the
federal government to fully reopen for business and social
activities, a remarkable change from early February, when only four
states were given the green light under the nation’s
four-tiered pandemic traffic light monitoring system.
Citing a significant drop in the number of COVID-19 cases, the
government has designated the remaining states, including the state
of Mexico, in yellow status, one level below green status. Mexico City’s
government also designated the capital in yellow
status. Yellow-status areas are directed to limit on-site business
and social capacity to 75 percent of normal capacity, among other
recommended measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
The monitoring system, which is
updated every other week, was implemented in June 2020, and is used
to alert residents to the epidemiological risks of COVID-19 and
provide guidance on restrictions on certain activities in each of
the country’s states. Below is a map for the period of February
21, 2022, through March 6, 2022, indicating the COVID-19 risk level
in each of the states and the capital.
This chart presents the
traffic light status of each state, and, as applicable, variations
between federal and local traffic light statuses based on
publications of the federal Ministry of Health and status reports
provided by each state. Some states have developed their own
traffic light monitoring systems and may assign different traffic
light statuses statewide or in local areas. Puebla, for example, is
designated in green status by the federal government, but the state
government has assigned yellow status to five of its six regions,
with the sixth, encompassing the capital city of Puebla—home
to about 3,250,000 people—in orange status, or high risk.
High-risk areas take measures such as limiting indoor
establishments to half their usual capacity. Colima, a yellow-status state
according to the federal government, has determined that it is in
orange status statewide.
Vaccinations have been rolled out nationally in five stages, with vaccines
first available in December 2020. The vaccinations are currently
underway in the fifth and final stage, and about 64 percent of this
group has been vaccinated, according to the federal Health
Ministry. The Health Ministry has also reported that 82 percent of
education personnel—separated into their own stage—has
been vaccinated.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.
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